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Autism is a neurotype with diverse experiences including deep focus, varied communication styles, and rich patterns of behavior. Each individual brings their own strengths and interests which can include remarkable visual thinking, creative expression, and innovative problem-solving skills. Celebrating these unique abilities, we recognize that every Autistic person has their own way of learning and engaging with the world.

While Autism is a neurotype, meaning that it is and will always be part of how an individual experiences the world, early understanding and support often lead to positive outcomes. Engaging in tailored approaches that enhance communication, social interactions, and personal skills can have lasting benefits throughout an individual’s life.

Support from a speech-language pathologist will be personalized to honor each individual’s unique abilities and may encompass a variety of strategies aimed at enriching autonomous communication and social engagement. An integrated team approach, involving healthcare professionals, various supportive therapies such as occupational and behavioral therapy, and active family involvement, is highly effective. Sessions may be conducted in the home, specialized centers, or educational settings. Families often play a crucial role in these sessions, learning to support communication with strategies shared by the therapist.

Neurodiversity-Affirming Communication

Neurodiversity encompasses a wide range of neurological variations, including autism, ADHD, dyslexia, giftedness, and more, reflecting the natural diversity of the human brain. These differences in thinking, learning, and interacting with the world are an integral part of human variation. Our perspective is rooted in the social and human rights models of disability, which focus on removing societal barriers and prioritizing autonomous communication. Our inclusive approach acknowledges the full spectrum of neurodivergent experiences, moving beyond traditional categories to embrace the richness of individual identities.

Recognizing and supporting the diverse expressions and needs of neurodivergent individuals from early childhood is key to our mission. We understand that developmental milestones vary widely, and this diversity enriches our community. Our aim is to support all neurodivergent individuals in living authentic and autonomous lives through early identification of their unique profiles and the provision of tailored support strategies that affirm their identities and enhance their well-being.

All Brains Peer Groups

All Brains Peer Groups offer neurodivergent teens and tweens a supportive and inclusive space to connect socially. Born from collaboration with the neurodivergent community, All Brains is a response to their call for a place where they can be their authentic selves among peers who understand. These non-therapeutic, community-building groups are driven by the interests and priorities of the group members. All Brains Peer Groups offer members a new way to socialize.

At NUCASLL, we intentionally use identity-first language (i.e., Autistic person) rather than person-first language (i.e., person with autism,) as it is currently preferred by the majority of the Autistic community. We also acknowledge and respect that individual preferences vary and we respect each client’s right to autonomously choose the language used.